Mohammad Sayeed Malik

All stories by Mohammad Sayeed Malik

NC-Congress Ahead, BJP Second In J&K Poll

NC-Congress Ahead, BJP Second In J&K Poll

Rediff.com2 Sep 2024

The PDP looks a distant third in the race, observes Mohammed Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir politics.

J&K Polls Bristles With Strange Possibilities

J&K Polls Bristles With Strange Possibilities

Rediff.com16 Aug 2024

'If, as happened in Baramulla during the 2024 Lok Sabha election, the youth in the Valley get triggered enough to jump into the wider fray, the end result would be difficult to predict, especially as the state's post-August 5, 2019 political format remains substantially fragmented and foggy,' points out Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the veteran commentator on Kashmir affairs.

What Message Will The J&K Polls Have For India?

What Message Will The J&K Polls Have For India?

Rediff.com5 Aug 2024

'With all outlets of public expression virtually choked for the last five years, suppressed anger and frustration is looking for an opening via the ballot box.' 'There is no escape from the inevitability of the 'Engineer Rashid' factor surfacing in a big enough way to upset everyone's applecart,' alerts Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the veteran commentator on Kashmir affairs.

Modi Losing The Gains In Kashmir

Modi Losing The Gains In Kashmir

Rediff.com28 Jun 2024

Those familiar with intricate Kashmir politics do not rule out further delay in the assembly elections. Primarily, because the BJP having 'invested' so much for so long in Kashmir would try its best to wait a little longer if only to secure the 'gains' it believes to have achieved after its deafening action on August 5, 2019, points out Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the veteran commentator on Kashmir affairs.

What Lies Ahead For J&K

What Lies Ahead For J&K

Rediff.com13 Dec 2023

For the last four years since abrogation of Article 370, Kashmir-based political parties have been struggling to forge an alternate narrative to the one forcibly snatched from them. The BJP is bound to go hammer and tongs at them now that their armoury is reinforced with the Supreme Court judgment, notes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the veteran commentator on Kashmir affairs.

What Has Changed In Kashmir Since August 5, 2019?

What Has Changed In Kashmir Since August 5, 2019?

Rediff.com4 Aug 2023

Restoration of peace and the normal routine of daily life, compared to the past, stands out as its most significant achievement, observes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the veteran commentator on Kashmir affairs, four years after the abrogation of Article 370.

Can Azad Hope To Be J-K CM?

Can Azad Hope To Be J-K CM?

Rediff.com31 Aug 2022

As of now, Azad couldn't be in the BJP leadership's calculus. The BJP has been trying to drill into the J&K electorate that this time around the UT would most certainly have a Hindu chief minister, explains Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

Kashmir Politics Stands Bereft Of Its Propellers

Kashmir Politics Stands Bereft Of Its Propellers

Rediff.com5 Aug 2022

At the moment, there appears to be no alternative political narrative to the one lying buried under the debris of havoc caused on this front by the fallout of 'August 5, 2019', asserts Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

Why Terrorism Has Revived In Kashmir

Why Terrorism Has Revived In Kashmir

Rediff.com18 Oct 2021

The sectarian killings by hit-and-run groups have revived and sharpened communal fears among the victims while the Poonch encounter reveals how deep the terrorists have dug in without getting noticed in the porous border area, notes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

Accession Remains the Live-Wire of Kashmir Politics

Accession Remains the Live-Wire of Kashmir Politics

Rediff.com8 Sep 2021

The festering dispute over the accession of Jammu and Kashmir stands out as one of the world's most volatile fault lines that divides regions, countries, societies, communities and ethnic groups, notes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs, on Sheikh Abdullah's 39th death anniversary.

2 Years On: Uncertainty Over the Valley

2 Years On: Uncertainty Over the Valley

Rediff.com5 Aug 2021

The political script for pre-2019 politics has gone with the wind and the writers of the new script seem in no great hurry to oblige the tormented, observes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

J&K Meeting: The High Political Cost

J&K Meeting: The High Political Cost

Rediff.com29 Jun 2021

The high table might have yielded relief at personal levels, but its political implications look forbidding at this point in time, observes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

Modi's Kashmir Invite: What Lies Ahead?

Modi's Kashmir Invite: What Lies Ahead?

Rediff.com23 Jun 2021

>All old signposts have been uprooted and milestones bulldozed. New ones have yet to emerge. The old order stands degraded in the new landscape whose contours are indistinct, observes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

BJP's 'Mehbooba dilemma'

BJP's 'Mehbooba dilemma'

Rediff.com5 Apr 2021

If Mehbooba is 'allowed' to survive unchecked she could transform her campaign into a sentiment typically suited to the ground conditions in Kashmir, observes Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

Playing for dangerously high stakes in volatile Kashmir

Playing for dangerously high stakes in volatile Kashmir

Rediff.com21 Aug 2019

'As of now, this one move seems to have precariously altered the balance of forces on the volatile ground, between separatists and the mainstream. 'The landscape today presents a fearsome picture of the future of mainstream politics in Kashmir. 'Conversely, the separatist ideology looks to have got an unearned boost,' points out Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the veteran commentator on Kashmir affairs

How BJP was outsmarted in Kashmir

How BJP was outsmarted in Kashmir

Rediff.com22 Nov 2018

'Although the tactical move to outflank the BJP fell through with New Delhi's decisive intervention and eventual dissolution of the state assembly, the PDP, NC and the Congress appeared to be more than satisfied.' 'They see the assembly dissolution as their 'great achievement'.' 'If one were to believe what they say, this was also their main objective,' reveals Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the doyen of Kashmiri commentators.

Fountainhead of unrest in Kashmir: August 9, 1953

Fountainhead of unrest in Kashmir: August 9, 1953

Rediff.com9 Aug 2018

'Aggravated fears about the fate of Article 370 and Article 35A of the Constitution have reopened old wounds and laid bare the widening emotional distance between Srinagar and New Delhi,' says Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished commentator on Kashmir affairs.

Mehbooba's fears about BJP are not unfounded

Mehbooba's fears about BJP are not unfounded

Rediff.com17 Jul 2018

'Her tussle is a different ballgame from what it was when Farooq Abdullah and Rajiv Gandhi were the main players at the two ends of the power game.' 'The shadow of the party in power in New Delhi over J&K affairs in 1987 was not as menacing as it is in 2018,' points out Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the doyen of Kashmir commentators.

Mehbooba had no clue about the BJP coup

Mehbooba had no clue about the BJP coup

Rediff.com21 Jun 2018

'From what I know of her,' says Mohammad Sayeed Malik -- the distinguished doyen of Kashmir commentators -- 'Mehbooba will not take too long to recover.' 'How much room she can then find to maneuver in the valley's extremely harsh political climate only time can tell.'

Who killed Shujaat Bukhari and why?

Who killed Shujaat Bukhari and why?

Rediff.com15 Jun 2018

'Bukhari's case falls into that rare category where the precise determination of the killer as well as the motive can only be guessed vaguely, not determined with certainty,' says Mohammad Sayeed Malik, the distinguished doyen of the Kashmiri media.
