Lieutenant General K HIMALAY SINGH (Retd)

Stories by Lieutenant General K HIMALAY SINGH (Retd)

A grounded soldier, a strategist par excellence

A grounded soldier, a strategist par excellence   13 Dec 2021

Bipin was the brightest among our coursemates and went on to become the first CDS of the country. I believe that all those who have known him and Madhulika will miss them very much, observes Lieutenant General Himalaya Singh (retd).

China will help Pakistan to keep fire burning in J&K

China will help Pakistan to keep fire burning in J&K   3 Dec 2020

'China is likely to help Pakistan in keeping the fire burning in J&K to bleed India for its own interests.' A fascinating excerpt from Lieutenant General K Himalay Singh's Making of a General: A Himalayan Echo.

How this general taught Pakistan a lesson

How this general taught Pakistan a lesson   26 Nov 2020

'In one instance of the Pakistani army's violation of the Ceasefire, I ordered a far tougher response designed to deter the enemy.' 'I warned that 'unexpected damage' to their forces will be inflicted if they continued with such ceasefire violations.' A fascinating excerpt from Lieutenant General K Himalay Singh's Making of a General: A Himalayan Echo.