Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (Retd)

Stories by Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (Retd)

What led the British to Leave India?

What led the British to Leave India?   14 Aug 2021

Attlee said Great Britain had concluded that the Indian element of the army was no longer reliable and that Netaji's Indian National Army had demonstrated that. That had shaken the foundation on which Britain's Indian empire rested, argues Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd).

Secured in Dhaka, but squandered in Shimla

Secured in Dhaka, but squandered in Shimla   2 Jul 2016

'Indira Gandhi, it appears, did not to consult her Cabinet colleagues, or diplomats, or civil servants when she decided to sign the agreement in Shimla.' 'We ruefully recall Bhutto's perfidy and the Indian prime minister's gullibility,' says Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd).

How India can prevent another act of terror

How India can prevent another act of terror   4 Jan 2016

'India has already suffered in the raid of January 2, and taken punishment. If comparable or higher retribution does not visit Pakistan, there is no reason why it should not undertake such a misadventure again,' says Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd).

Hopefully, some Pak general is not planning another Kargil

Hopefully, some Pak general is not planning another Kargil   30 Dec 2015

'Checkmating India by its nukes, Pakistan can pursue terrorism against India in the Kashmir Valley and also resume launching Mumbai 2008 style attacks.' 'The military oligarchy in Pakistan has a totally different view of what is desirable and possible in the subcontinent.'

Truly, an outstanding soldier

Truly, an outstanding soldier   14 Apr 2015

'He was unlike anyone else I had met until then or ever since.' Lt Gen Ashok Joshi (retd) remembers one of India's most famous soldiers who passed away on Sunday.

Pakistan and its seven states of delusion

Pakistan and its seven states of delusion   27 Feb 2015

'Pakistan is full of 'religious entrepreneurs' like Hafeez Saeed who poison the minds of the young so that they can be motivated to become terrorists. They work in concert with the rulers of Pakistan. It is a private-public partnership.'

Pakistan's rulers can deceive anyone and everyone

Pakistan's rulers can deceive anyone and everyone   26 Feb 2015

'For so long as the rulers of Pakistan remain committed to confronting and vanquishing India, they will sustain delusions, breed terrorists, and export them.'

Indian parents must warn their children against ISIS

Indian parents must warn their children against ISIS   23 Sep 2014

'Parents would do well by the nation if they were to persuade their sons and daughters not to become puppets in the hands of the Islamists,' feels Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd).