Gurmehar Kaur

Stories by Gurmehar Kaur

How Shehla Rashid became a firebrand youth leader

How Shehla Rashid became a firebrand youth leader   9 Jul 2019

Shehla doesn't and has never shied away from talking the tough talk and walking the tough walk, says Gurmehar Kaur.

I was told my papa died in a war called Kargil

I was told my papa died in a war called Kargil   22 Feb 2019

'The death certificate which I once read even states the date, 6 August, but I know that already.' 'Every year, we observe paath at the local gurdwara for which we need to take leave from school. The leave form always says 'attending father's death anniversary'. 'I always dread this day -- the long walk from my desk to the teacher's table with my diary in hand and in it a handwritten note dripped with sadness despite its curt language.' 'What generally follows is pity on my teacher's face, a deep sigh of sympathy and a sad pat on the back.' A moving excerpt from Gurmehar Kaur's memoir Small Acts Of Freedom.