Geetika Srivastava

Stories by Geetika Srivastava

Masks are a must even after vaccine!

Masks are a must even after vaccine!   16 Jan 2021

'Until the case load starts dropping, we will have to keep up the current level of prevention activities.'

Adverse effect of Covid-19 vaccine: What the law says

Adverse effect of Covid-19 vaccine: What the law says   15 Jan 2021

Laws governing compensation in case of adverse side effects for Covaxin and Covishield may differ in accordance with the kind of approvals given, say legal experts.

Is Facebook answerable to Delhi?

Is Facebook answerable to Delhi?   9 Oct 2020

'Under Section 79 of the IT Act, Facebook is mandated to exercise care. Once you have a duty, you do not have the right to silence; you need to show compliance.'

Online classes: How students are being left behind

Online classes: How students are being left behind   1 Jul 2020

Millions of Indian children lack access to online education as they do not have smartphones, computers or an Internet connection.

Why govt has failed to check the spread of coronavirus in India

Why govt has failed to check the spread of coronavirus in India   23 Mar 2020

An overarching law governing public healthcare is a glaring gap in India's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In India it is left to individuals to quarantine themselves voluntarily. Moreover, the 123-year old The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, governs healthcare emergencies in India.

Aarey row: What makes a forest?

Aarey row: What makes a forest?   10 Oct 2019

India has long struggled to find a suitable definition; activists hope that this case changes norms, reports Geetika Srivastava.