Stories by GAL GODOT

There Are No Happy Marriages

There Are No Happy Marriages   1 Jun 2022

'People who tell you otherwise are either psychopaths or plain delusional.'

Why I haven't let my husband buy me a wedding ring

Why I haven't let my husband buy me a wedding ring   1 Jun 2022

Because it costs a shit-ton of money. Full disclosure: I won't accept a wedding ring that costs Rs 1L or less. But Rs 1L and more seems like a LOT of money. Enough for me to think about better ways to spend it. Stocks? Mutual Funds? SIPs? *GASP* NFTs and Crypto?

'Should we even be leaving him alone?'

'Should we even be leaving him alone?'   1 Jun 2022

A few days later, we load up our stuff in the car and leave, as dada-ji stands at the gate. His face is tentative, and he definitely looks sad at the prospect of being alone for the first time in what must feel like a century.

Stuck with the in-laws during the lockdown

Stuck with the in-laws during the lockdown   1 Jun 2022

'There are worse things than being stuck with your in-laws during a nation-wide lockdown. Like actually enjoying being in that situation.'

The Circle of Love

The Circle of Love   1 Jun 2022

'If something appears too good to be true, it most likely is'.

'We don't plan to have kids'

'We don't plan to have kids'   1 Jun 2022

'Would you want to bring kids into a world that could run out of drinking water before they reach adulthood?'

'Men have sex; legends cuddle'

'Men have sex; legends cuddle'   1 Jun 2022

'I'd rather eat a hearty meal, meet deadlines, make money, meet a friend for coffee or even tend to that long-neglected corner in my oddly-shaped living room, than spend my Saturday morning romping in bed.'

All in vain for my insensitive spouse

All in vain for my insensitive spouse   1 Jun 2022

'Today is about how spouses shit all over your childhood plans for an ideal marriage, or, in the very least, a marriage that wouldn't be anything like your parents'.'

Why don't I see such perfect marriages ever?

Why don't I see such perfect marriages ever?   1 Jun 2022

Most days, I wake up with the feeling that I have an ideal relationship with my husband. Then, he wakes up and screws it all up, sighs Gal Godot.

All the vile things you heard about marriage are true

All the vile things you heard about marriage are true   1 Jun 2022

Gal Godot begins a fascinating new column about marriage.

Secret Of Long Marriages: Appetite For Forgiveness

Secret Of Long Marriages: Appetite For Forgiveness   1 Jun 2022

'In a marriage, you must wipe the self-helpy, holier-than-thou grime off your forgiveness to see what it truly is.'