Erik Hon

Stories by Erik Hon

5 SIMPLE tips to achieve your financial goals

5 SIMPLE tips to achieve your financial goals   15 Oct 2019

Don't focus on market or product returns -- focus on your target rate of return, and then choose an investment.

Want to be SMART investor? Follow these 4 tips

Want to be SMART investor? Follow these 4 tips   26 Sep 2019

Irrational behaviour, born out of incomplete understanding, biases, overconfidence, fear or greed, has led investors to make less than half of what they could have in the capital markets, says Erik Hon.

3 secret tips to minimise investment, maximise returns

3 secret tips to minimise investment, maximise returns   27 Jun 2019

Most investment costs are bundled in with the financial product, and are often hidden in fine print, warns Erik Hon.

Can you trust your financial advisor?

Can you trust your financial advisor?   3 Jun 2019

We all need an expert whose advice you can trust, who will not start pushing products at you and rather help you understand why your wealth is not growing as it should, says Erik Hon.