Dr Madhav Godbole

Stories by Dr Madhav Godbole

CAA/NPR/NRC: What govt must do

CAA/NPR/NRC: What govt must do

Rediff.com   6 Jan 2020

'The CAA should be kept in abeyance, without making it a prestige issue.'
'Laying down a clear policy on the future of illegal migrants will dispel anxieties and help in implementing the CAA, NPR and also the NCR,' suggests former Union home secretary Dr Madhav Godbole.

Ram Temple: The Way Ahead

Ram Temple: The Way Ahead

Rediff.com   20 Sep 2019

'It is best that an amicable solution to the dispute is found outside the precincts of the courts of law,' says former Union home secretary Dr Madhav Godbole.

How the CBI can be saved

How the CBI can be saved

Rediff.com   31 Oct 2018

'The CBI should be bifurcated and the CBI's charter should be restricted to anti-corruption cases.'
'The investigation of major criminal cases having national and international implications, and national crimes spread over more than one state may be entrusted to a new national crime bureau,' recommends Dr Madhav Godbole, the former home secretary.

BJP's response to Ram Mandir will decide course of India's history

BJP's response to Ram Mandir will decide course of India's history

Rediff.com   16 Mar 2017

'It is imperative that all parties make a commitment that they shall abide by the final decision of the Supreme Court.' 'This will be the best way to bring a closure.' 'It is time India moves on to face several other challenges.'

Supreme Court verdict: Back to square one, if not minus one

Supreme Court verdict: Back to square one, if not minus one

Rediff.com   11 Jan 2017

'Disturbingly, the dissenting judgment of the Supreme Court has raised doubts whether religion, race, caste, community, language etc can be separated from politics at all. It has rightly underlined that this question should to be addressed by Parliament rather than the Supreme Court,' says Dr Madhav Godbole, the former Union home secretary.