Colonel Anil A Athale

Stories by Colonel Anil A Athale

2 Weeks On, What Did Hamas Attack Achieve?

2 Weeks On, What Did Hamas Attack Achieve?   21 Oct 2023

By creating mayhem, Hamas aims to force the Arab States to give up their plans of reconciliation with Israel, explains Colonel Anil A Athale.

Is General Bajwa ready to take over Pakistan?

Is General Bajwa ready to take over Pakistan?   24 Oct 2017

'What we are today witnessing is the final act of the Pakistani army trying to retain its turf,' argues Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Going to the ICJ was a blunder

Going to the ICJ was a blunder   18 May 2017

'There are thousand ways to pressure Pakistan to make it behave.' 'Going to the ICJ was the worst possible option,' says Colonel Anil A Athale.

100 days of Trump: The good and the bad for India

100 days of Trump: The good and the bad for India   19 Apr 2017

'The domination of American foreign policy by the military poses some hidden dangers for us.' 'We must factor in that the Pakistani military and the US military have close ties going back three generations.' 'Pakistan will find sympathetic ears in the Pentagon against India as the bogey man.' 'This will be further milked to the maximum by raising the ante in Kashmir through its proxies,' warns Colonel Anil A Athale.

R-Day musings: Why India needs to behave like an elephant

R-Day musings: Why India needs to behave like an elephant   26 Jan 2017

'An elephant has to behave like an elephant and not shy away from confronting the jackals,' argues Colonel (Dr) Anil A Athale.

4 ways to tackle Islamic State's terror

4 ways to tackle Islamic State's terror   25 Jul 2016

'The use of nuclear/biological/chemical weapons by Islamic terrorists is just a matter of time.' 'It must be clearly understood what the world faces is a global level insurgency against the world order.' 'Terrorism is merely a tactic and Islamic State its most brutal face, says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).