'The leadership is confronted with an economy growing at its slowest pace in 20 years,' points out Claude Smadja.
The Chinese leader is today facing some open, or less subtle, criticism from within the party and from liberal intellectuals who are increasingly concerned by the concentration of power in his hands and the increasing authoritarianism of the regime, says Claude Smadja.
This is the time when the US would need the conceptual strategic thinking of a Henry Kissinger, able to ally diplomatic skills with a well-conceived worldview of what the emergence of a new balance of forces will mean for a US whose ability to shape global events has definitely declined but still exists, says Claude Smadja.
While enjoying long-awaited economic good times - and hoping they will last as long as possible - some caution and some prudence might be the best protection against bad surprises, says Claude Smadja.
Overall, the populist/ electoral elements in the budget have remained measured with the finance minister being clearly aware of a higher-than-expected rise in oil prices, less-than-planned tax revenues and the wider deficit for FY 17/18, constraining his margin of maneuver, says Claude Claude Smadja.
'The stage is set for increasing tensions in a highly volatile region as crucial as ever from a geopolitical standpoint,' predicts Claude Smadja.
The Chinese leader will display his grip on the Communist party and chart his plans for his country's future.
The US needs to find global support, especially from Russia and China, to make North Korea back down, says Claude Smadja.
'That the 'I' word is swirling around Washington these days attests to the atmosphere that has taken hold and cannot but have a negative impact on political and economic decision-making,' says Claude Smadja.
'The mood in Beijing is already nervous and feverously watchful.' 'Developments in China will be scrutinised as intensely and nervously as the ones in Washington,' says Claude Smadja.
'The optimistic advice might be "fasten your seat belts" and the pessimistic one might just turn out to be "brace for impact",' says Claude Smadja.
We are witnessing a new phase where business leaders are realising globalisation has to take into account national identities and cultures, says Claude Smadja.
The Budget provides a reassuring message about Prime Minister Narendra Modi staying the course.
One has to wonder what is so wrong with the European Union.
Europe will have to make some hard choices if it wishes to take on the militant group responsible for the horrible attacks in Paris.
Both the Greek and Iranian deals are extremely imperfect and fraught with uncertainty, says Claude Smadja.
ISIS' advances in Iraq and Syria are not just tactical but strategic victories -- born of US errors and confusion
There is no war against Islam, but there is definitely one against Islamic radicalism, says Claude Smadja.
2014 was a year for downturn for most economies across the globe.