Arun Bhatnagar

Stories by Arun Bhatnagar

Bengal win will put Mamata in race for PM

Bengal win will put Mamata in race for PM   1 Apr 2021

The TMC expects to emerge victorious by way of a majority of minority votes and a minority of majority votes, notes Arun Bhatnagar, a retired IAS officer.

Modi gets ready for the Battle of 2024

Modi gets ready for the Battle of 2024   26 Feb 2021

'The BJP's all-India plans can be expected to become clearer around 2022-2023, particularly if -- as some anticipate -- the senior Congress leadership cracks, broadly as between the Nehru-Gandhi loyalists and those who may be termed 'pro-changers',' observes Arun Bhatnagar, a retired IAS officer.

The new BJP is like the old Congress

The new BJP is like the old Congress   11 Dec 2019

While it took the Congress nearly a half century to earn the hatred of other political outfits, the BJP appears set to reach there in around six years, says Arun Bhatnagar, former secretary to the GoI.