Anvar Alikhan

Stories by Anvar Alikhan

Run, Rabbit, Run

Run, Rabbit, Run   27 Dec 2017

'So when they come for you tomorrow morning, papa, make a dash for freedom.' 'Please, please, don't let anything hold you back.' 'Run, run, run, run, run, run, run.'

MH-370 enigma: Is there a top-secret India angle?

MH-370 enigma: Is there a top-secret India angle?   5 May 2014

Two months after the Malaysia Airlines plane vanished into the skies, conspiracies have floated to explain the enigma of the vanishing flight. Amid these claims, one is that the plane was hijacked and is being prepped for a terror attack by the Taliban or by Israeli terrorists. Anvar Alikhan tries to piece this puzzle together and find out the truth behind flight MH370.