Admiral J G NADKARNI (Retd)

Stories by Admiral J G NADKARNI (Retd)

When the Gods Smiled on India

When the Gods Smiled on India   14 Dec 2021

There are times in each nation's life when the gods shower their blessings on it. The right leaders are in place and they make the right decisions. Everything seems to click and good luck favours its people. Such times came to this country 50 years ago, recalls Admiral J G Nadkarni (retd).

When the Gods Smiled on India

When the Gods Smiled on India   3 Jul 2018

We mourn the passing of Admiral J G Nadkarni, who passed into the ages on Monday. The admiral -- one of the finest officers to head the Indian Navy and a most remarkable human being -- was one of's earliest columnists. His assessment of why India won the 1971 War is a classic and we republish the column today to celebrate his brilliant mind and salute an office and gentleman, the likes of who we will not see again.