India Abroad Trophy Person of the year
Person of the year Trophy
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The India Abroad Youth Achiever, 2007

Also See: Friends, family greet Renu Khator

The India Abroad Person of the Year 2007,

Mira Nair, winner,
    India Abroad Person of the Year, 2007

Professors Padma Desai and Jagdish
    Bhagwati, winners,

    The India Abroad Award for Lifetime
    Achievement, 2007

Dr Renu Khator, winner,
    The India Abroad Publisher’s Award
    for Excellence, 2007

Dignitaries at the Event
    India Abroad Person of the Year, 2007

Friends, family greet Mira Nair, winner,
    The India Abroad Person of the Year

Renu Khator, winner,
    The India Abroad Publisher's Special
    Award for Excellence 2007

The Bhagwatis, winners
    The India Abroad Award for Lifetime
    Achievement 2007

Family, friends greet the Bhagwatis

Joy Cherian, winner
    The India Abroad Award for Lifetime
    Service to the Community 2007

Navin Shah, winner
    The India Abroad Award for
    Community Service 2007

Images from the awards show
Mira Nair: 'Excellence is beyond borders'

India Abroad Person of the Year 2003
India Abroad Person of the Year 2004
India Abroad Person of the Year 2005
India Abroad Person of the Year 2006
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