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Cash, condom, Viagra in Uday's briefcase
July 29, 2003 10:08 IST
Last Updated: July 29, 2003 10:22 IST
The briefcase that Uday Hussein was using during his final days contained $400,000 in US currency and 30 million Iraqi dinars, or about $21,400, CNN quoted an official as saying on Monday.
US troops sifting through the wreckage of the house in Mosul, Iraq, where Uday and his brother
Qusay were killed found the briefcase, which also contained Viagra, a condom, packaged underwear, shirts, cologne and a 'tacky' tie, the US official said.
The two sons of Saddam Hussein were killed on July 21 during a six-hour gunbattle with US troops.
Profiles: Uday Hussein | Qusay Hussein