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In what will be music to Indian ears, US Secretary of State Colin Powell on Sunday declared that terrorists are not freedom fighters.
Rejecting any excuse for supporting terrorist organisations, Powell told Fox News that "terrorists are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists."
His remarks came in the course of an interview when he commented on the Middle East peace plan and the role of Iran and Syria in it.
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has termed terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir as "freedom struggle," a view firmly rejected by India.
Powell said the war against terrorism would continue even after the operation in Afghanistan comes to an end and indicated that American troops could resort to "hot pursuit" to track down terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.
He said the goal was to destroy the Al Qaeda network of bin Laden and that objective would not achieved until Al Qaeda, which has connections in 50 countries, is located around the world and made incapable of executing a terrorist attack.
"The US will also go after terrorism generally. So, this is a long-term campaign against terrorism which will take years. But we will stick with it," he said.
America's War on Terror: The Complete Coverage The Attack on US Cities: The Complete Coverage
The Terrorism Weblog: Latest Stories from Around the World
External Link: For further coverage, please visit www.saja.org/roundupsept11.html
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