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The US on Tuesday froze the assets of a US-based organisation suspected of helping radical Palestinian group Hamas recruit and train suicide bombers.
"The message is this: those who do business with terror will do no business with the United States -- or anywhere else the United States can reach," President George W Bush announced in the White House Rose Garden.
In addition to the Richardson, Texas-based Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, the freeze affects the Al Aqsa International Bank and the Beit El-Mal Holdings Company, both based in the Palestinian territories.
"Hamas has obtained much of the money that it pays for murder abroad right here in the United States," charged Bush.
"Money raised by the Holy Land Foundation is used by Hamas to support schools and indoctrinate children to grow up into suicide bombers. Money raised by the Holy Land Foundation is also used by Hamas to recruit suicide bombers and to support their families," he said.
The company has denied all of the charges.
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External Link: For further coverage, please visit www.saja.org/roundupsept11.html
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