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Please ensure to select a query that best relates to your question.
This will enable us to provide a quick and accurate response.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most Commonly asked Questions
What is iShare?
How can I share my files using iShare?
Is there any upload or storage space limit on iShare?
What is the difference between public and private files?
I cannot see videos on iShare. What do I do?
I cannot hear songs on iShare. What do I do?
iShare Upload tool
How do I upload my files on iShare?
How can I share video, music or photos with my friends?
How many files can I upload at time?
Is there any upload or storage space limit on iShare ?
How much time does it take for a file to upload and then get displayed?
What type of files are supported on iShare?
What is the maximum size of the files that can be uploaded?
How can I edit the details of a file?
What are tags?
What is the difference between public and private files?
Can I download photo/music/video from iShare to my computer?
How can I delete file(s) that I have already uploaded?
Can I delete my profile on iShare?
Someone has uploaded a file for which I own the copyright. What should I do?
My iShare account
How do I create a profile on iShare?
What is ‘My iShare’?
How can I upload/change my profile picture on iShare?
How can I update my personal details on iShare?
How can I add a friend on iShare?
I already have a Rediff ID. Do I need to re-register to use iShare?
I have lost my password. How do I retrieve it?
The iShare Home Page
What all can I do on iShare?
How do I upload my file(s) on iShare?
What is ‘My iShare’?
What is ‘Most Recent’?
What is ‘Most Viewed’?
What is ‘Top Rated’?
What are ‘Tags’?
What is ‘Categories’?
What is ‘Add to Favourites’?
What is ‘Report’?
I want my friends to view my Private Files. Is that possible?
I wish to access videos/photos/music of particular category only. Is that possible?
How do I add/embed video(s) on my blogs/website?
How do I add/embed music(s) on my blogs/website?
How do I add/embed photo(s) on my blogs/website?