The selectors brought in Tamil Nadu's forward V Raja as the only new face in the senior team for the first time following his good performance in the Junior World Cup and the Dutch league.
IHF secretary K Jyothikumaran, who announced the team at a press conference in the spruced up media room at the stadium in the presence of two of the selectors, former Olympians and captains, B P Govinda and Gurbux Singh Sodhi and goalkeeper coach Charles Corneleus said the selection was based on the trials conducted over two days at the end of the first phase of the preparatory camp.
"We selected the team strictly on the basis of the performance at the trials and the feedback we got from the chief coach (Rajinder Singh -Jr) about the six players who took part in league competitions in Netherlands and Spain, including Tirkey, Sandeep Singh, Raja, Nitin, V S Vinay and Gagan Ajit Singh," he said.
"I am satisfied with the team. I hope we will perform well," Rajinder Singh (Jr) said when asked what the expectations were from the team.
"This is the best available team we have," Gurbux Singh said.
Ajitpal Singh as the government nominee, Surinder Singh Sodhi and Harmik Singh, all former Olympians and captains, comprised the other members of the selection committee.