Nine-year-old Delhi boy Aarit Kapil has become the youngest Indian to beat a chess Grandmaster as he emerged victorious against Raset Ziatdinov of United States in the ninth and penultimate round of the KIIT International open chess tournament in Bhubaneswar.
At 9 years, 2 months and 18 days, Aarit is the youngest Indian and third in the world to beat a GM under the classical time control.
The youngest player in the world to beat a GM is Indian-origin Singapore boy Ashwath Kaushik, who won against Jacek Stupa of Poland when he was just 8 years and six months old earlier this year.
Ziatdinov, 66, is certainly past his prime if the game was any indication. As is usually the case when an experienced GM plays against a youngster, Ziatdinov did many things right positionally to get the upper hand
Meanwhile, Grandmaster Boris Savchenko of Russia won the KIIT tournament, settling for a draw with India's Sayantan Das in the final round. Savchenko scored 8.5 points out of a possible 10.
Top three youngest players to beat a Grandmaster:
1. Ashwath Kaushik (Singapore) – 8 years 2 months
2. Leonid Ivanovic (Serbia) - 8 years 11 months
3. Aarit Kapil – 9 years 2 months.