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Updated: October 25, 2003 | 16:00 IST


  • Drugs: 2 new players nailed

  • United favourites to sign Szetela

  • Boa Morte believes smile can last

  • Kewell happy and hopeful

  • Houllier is not for turning

  • Rooney's £100,000 gift

  • Rooney keeps it real

  • Wayne's world 18 defining moments

  • Wenger feels money strain

  • Hoddle lashes out at Pleat

  • 'Arsenal's glass jaw in Europe is dazzling'

  • Clark comes back to a new high

  • Lawro's Premiership predictions

    Afro Asiam Games

  • Finally, 'jinxed' Games get underway

  • Contrasting win for neighbours

  • Athletics

  • Performance enhancing?

  • 'Drug-takers will not stop me'

  • American athletes test positive

  • Company denies supplying steroid

  • The athlete who failed a drugs test

  • View from... the sponsors

  • Athens vows to wipe out the cheats

  • 'We've no idea how big the problem is'

  • THG: Where are we now?

  • Athens 'must sprint to finish'

  • Radcliffe welcomes drugs scandal

  • Jacobs 'tests positive' for THG


  • The calmness of Clive

  • Back on right side of law

  • Yesterday's links >>

    Also: The World of Cricket

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