November 13, 2000


    What's common between the following?

    Returning home at rush hour in public transport / Listening to the annual budget / Watching the Indian team perform overseas.

    Jubilation? Euphoria? I don't think so. Disappointment? Frustration? Maybe.

    Your responses to the irritations of everyday life - interruptions, temporary setbacks, financial crunches, traffic jams, etc. could be superior indicators of your health than your reaction to major life crises.

    Call it the flip side of contemporary society, but tranquility and peace of mind seem to be rare commodities in the 21st century. Not that we mind, as long as there is no discernible illness that halts us in our tracks. The broad viewpoint "Why should I bother with relaxation tips, stretching exercises and the likes. I don't need to practice all this. I have no problem" is quite prevalent.

    While such an attitude may not be wrong, it may not be entirely right either. "I have no problem" is not the same as "I am perfectly healthy and I doubt if I will have any problems" Ask yourself, if good health and bad health are two sides of the same coin, then would you be satisfied if you were placed somewhere in between? If you had the option to improve physical fitness, well-being, appearance and productivity, then would you be willing to try?. The following information is intended to give you not one, but several options to improve your overall efficiency, both at home and at work.

    In an enlightening chat with a friend involved in advertising, he candidly outlined his daily schedule to me. He continues to follow this timetable, 6 days a week and sometimes even 7.

    When I wake up, I'm seldom in the mood to eat breakfast. I just do not feel hungry. More often than not, I end up skipping this meal, as I rush off to work.

    My work entails long hours at my PC creating layouts. There are times when I work for hours on end. This occasionally causes headaches and eyestrain. Of late, I'm beginning to find my neck, wrists, and back aching at the end of the day. The wrist in particular is beginning to give me some trouble.

    A little bit of movement, in and around the office helps, but I generally don't bother to do that. Come to think about it, I have found my stamina decreasing a little bit too. And I have put on some weight. My clothes don't fit so snugly any more. Hmmm. There could be some scope for improvement there. Maybe I need a break, but there's no time…

    Well, when lunchtime finally arrives, most of us grab something at a nearby joint, while some stay back with their lunch boxes. We generally discuss our clients and future assignments, and we don't ever talk about the effect that such a lifestyle could be having on our own health.

    After that, it's back to the grind. Late hours form the exception rather than the norm. I reach home late and I just about have the energy to eat my dinner, watch some television and hit the sack. In the above account, there are some key statements, if you read between the lines. Even more importantly, a few simple measures can be easily incorporated, in order to relieve stress and improve productivity.


    During my school days, my grandma told me, "The difference between an average person and the world's great achievers is self discipline".

    In my opinion, all the talk about 'dedication' and 'commitment' being the cornerstones of success and fitness etc. might be gibberish, if you consider the fact that each and every one of us is self-disciplined to his / her existing patterns of action.

    Some individuals try to do the right thing, but no matter how hard they try, they fail. Again and again. You know why? Is it because they lack self-discipline? If so, does it also imply that these individuals will be unsuccessful in other aspect of their lives? Some may be successful businessman, doctors, lawyers, engineers who have put in years of dedication and discipline to establish themselves in their respective fields.

    If they have enough discipline to succeed in their line of work, don't you think they should have enough self-discipline to get in shape? The fact is, they do have enough self-discipline-they're just disciplined to the wrong patterns of action!

    So rather than blaming yourself for lack of self-discipline, focus on making some of the above mentioned changes in your habits. The rewards are greater satisfaction, productivity and the ability to chuckle at the funny side of Indian transports / the Indian budget………….. and the Indian cricket team.

    While the above information is intended to serve as a guideline, it is not intended to replace the advise of doctors, dieticians and other health care professionals in the field of health and fitness. If you are over 50, diabetic, hypertensive or suffering from heart disease, arthritis or other medical ailments, please obtain a physician's approval before starting any fitness program.

    PART 1 - The Unique Structure of the Human Body

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