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Transcript of the Commentary - Indian Innings

Prem: *gone*

Prem: thanks for your company all, ahve a good time, we will see you again for the new zealand tour.

Prem: and with that, folks, that is it from us for the day, no doubt who the man of the match is going to be, so we will leave you now and get on to the job of doing the match report.

Prem: sachin being applauded off the field by the zimbabwean fielders and by a houseful stadium, unbeaten -- again -- off 124 runs off 92 balls with 12 fours and six sixes.

Prem: whittall to sachin, and there is the win, pulled around fiercely through square leg and four more, that finishes off the match off the last ball of the 30th over. twenty overs to go, 10 wickets in hand, that must rank among the most comprehensive wins of recent times.

Prem: 6 more needed off 122 balls, in case anyone is counting, sachin flicks through midwicket and two more for it, india need 4 more and one ball left in the 30th.

Prem: ganguly this time a bit cramped, plays it out on the leg side and they take one more, brings sachin back on strike.

Prem: whittall now with india needing 7 more to win, bowling to gangulyl who demonstrates his defensive technique.

Prem: next ball, gently turned around and one more for sachin.

Prem: The two bowlers Zimbabwe would have been looking to were Olonga, the destroyer of the day before, and Strang. Olonga went for 41 in his first four overs, strang went for 45 off his first five. and now whittall gets the stick, sachi down the track and swings him around over wide midwicket, that is yet another six.

Prem: this time, sachin down the track and hits back past the bowler, the umpire managing to pull his head out of the way of that one in the very last minute. single to the fielder on the line, keeps strike.

Prem: down the track this time, the bowler drags it down, sachin plays it through midwicket and gets onre more.

Prem: really got to the pitch on that one, swung it on the full and took the ball onto the stadium roof again. now batting 61 off 86. ganguly after that hit, playing straight bat in the v and finding the fielders.

Prem: flower continues and ganguly pushing ball one, back to the bowler from line of off and middle.. 22 needed at one an over and this time, ganguly down the track again and flowr vanishes for his third six -- this one hit over midwicket.

Prem: whittall now to sachin, into the 28th over here and sachin plays a perfect forward defensive shot there. ball six, a paddle, but finds short fine leg, no run.

Prem: whittall again to saurav ganguly, plays it down to midwicket with soft hands, another sngle.

Prem: whittall, and a delicate late cut, gets him one more. 174 the score, chasing 197.

Prem: the game as a contest was pretty much over once sachin went after henry olonga in the second and fourth overs -- the sheer ferocity of the assault seemed to have stunned the rest of the bowlers, from then on it's been the indians hitting the ball around at will. still 25 short of the target, gnanguly down tyhe track, swings whittall around to long on, gets one more.

Prem: 1.24 the ask, ganguly 53 off 80 balls and meanwhile, sachin down the track this time, gets under it and thumps it wide of long on for four more.

Prem: That is Ganguly's 50, with those two sixes and now flower over the wicket, ganguly down the track again, gets it on the full, plays square and gets one more.

Prem: the advantage of batting with sachin showing here, a batsamn at the other end doesn't need to worry about run rates and such, so saurav having the luxiry of plaing himself back into form. on strike to flower and again, down the track and again, over long on, that is another six.

Prem: And finally, Ganguly getting hold of one -- came down the track, got to the pitch, swung it high and wide over long on, landed it on the roof of the stadium and it rolls over, so now there needs a change of balls as well.

Prem: this time, pushed through cover, gets the single to end the over and keep strike.

Prem: this one is on his middle stump and ganguly finds square leg with the push.

Prem: whittall to ganguly, pitches off turns away and cramps the batsman as he aims to play on the on.

Prem: whittall continues, to ganguly, down the track but forced to push defensively as the bowler spots him coming and drags it down short. whittall again, quicker through the air and pushed to mid on, no run, ganguly on strike.

Prem: flower, around the wicket, to sachin, played square on the off with the turn, finds point, no run.

Prem: flower to ganguly on his pads, played to square leg, one more. 154/0.

Prem: ball three, on middle, played to cover with the turn, finds the fielder, no run. sachin keeps looking at the midwicket, area, seems to have picked that out for a shot, this time he is merely guiding it in that direction, gets one more.

Prem: the noise levels now are completely defeaning, the crowd apparently worked to fever pitch by this onslaught by sachin. on strike now to flower, on leg and turning to middle, sahcin defends.

Prem: grant flower, slow left arm, being brought in, campbell exhausting his bowlers and now turning to the irregulars. ganguly off drives the first ball and gets one.

Prem: ganguly pushes to short cover and even with his limp, it is sachin calling and racing the short single. keeps holding his inner thigh after every run, but he is still pushing himself on those singles and india after 24, 151/0.

Prem: whittall to sachin, who goes onto the back foot, works it to square leg, single. 150 up for india.

Prem: little paddle, first up, to whittall, put edges it onto his pad. ball two, and he is down the track, has a go at that one,, chips it over cover, short of the fielder in the deep and he gets two more for that.

Prem: Lull in play again, as sachin gets some treatment. 6.39 the run rate at the moment. 1.85 the ask from here on, and tendulkar on strike.

Prem: olonga to sachin, outside off and blazed past cover, finds the sweeper, they walk the single to end the over.

Prem: olonga, bit of lull in play with saurav on strike. finding the fielders on the drive, saurav. olonga again, and this time the drive into the gap, single. one ball left and sachin back on sttrike. india now need 1.87 per over, 51 runs more to get.

Prem: 46 of those runs have come in the V, for sachin, which is clear indication of how straight he hits during the early overs.

Prem: Olonga goes round the wicket and another wide, this time down the leg side to the left hander.

Prem: back on strike, sachin, olonga the bowler, down the leg side and he helps it along, limping a bit now, wide called so there was no touch on that, but sachin does have some problem there, with his groin.

Prem: Olonga continues. sachin on strike. his first 100 came in his 79th, in the next 129, he has had 21 centuries. olonga, to sachin. over number 23. on off and thumped to long off, sachin wants the single and then thinks otherwise, seems to be stretching his leg, not sure but he seems to have developed a touch of cramp there.

Prem: tendulkar on strike batting 99 off 70 balls, cuts, and that is gone past point, finds the sweeper, the single brings up his 21st century in odis. 143/0 in 22 and of those, sahcin has a 100.

Prem: whitall, and ganguly takes one behind square and gets one more.

Prem: century in a final seems to be a habit sachin is learning these days -- did it in sharjah against the aussies, did it in lanka against the world cup holders, doing it again here in sharjah, but for now, ganguly stroking whittall out to long off, single, misfield, or rather, a bad throw gets him two.

Prem: sachin back on strike, facing whittall, down the leg side and swung around but ffinds short fine leg, no run. 98 off 68, a gentle push to square leg gets one more.

Prem: 59 more needed, and gangulyl defends to the last ball of the over, finds the bowler on the follow through.

Prem: Olonga to ganguly, ball 5, on off and the straight drive into the feet of the bowler, richochet goes to midwicket, no run.

Prem: Olonga to ganguly, on off, fuller length, played to mid off, one more.

Prem: 28 off 57 for saurav. on strike to olonga. into the 21st over here and the straight drive beats the bwoler, well timed, pushed firmly and four more.

Prem: olonga now to ganguly who drives, finds mid off, no run.

Prem: olonga, ball one, slower outside off and sachin picks it, plays to long on, checking his shot and getting one more.

Prem: 4-0-41-0 his analysis thus far, sachin going after him with a vengeance in this game. in his first spell, it seemed the faster he bowled the quicker the ball vanished, sahcin back on strike batting 97 off 66.

Prem: Olonga being brought back now. bowling to sachin.

Prem: whittall, and this one is dug out to long on, single, to end the over and sahcin, 97, retains strike.

Prem: this time, shutting the bat face and playing to midiwcket, no run. ball four, sachin flicks, again to midwicket, no run.

Prem: whittall again, to sachin, outside off, the late cut tried but that one was faster, he misses with the shot. ball three, on off, cover drive finds the fielder.

Prem: ball one, on off and gently played back down the track.

Prem: tendulkar back on strike. into the 20th over here. batting 96 off 60 balls. guy whittall replacing paul strang.

Prem: 96 off 60 deliveries off 128 scored in 112 legit balls. streak to ganguly who aims an almighty swing over midwicket and only manages to play it down heartachingly close to off stump. streak with 3.5-0-13-0 looks positively economical compared to the others, then spoils it with one wide of off and ganguly lets fly, gets it over extra cover, two bounces and four more,

Prem: streak again, on leg and played it away on the on side, gets one more. 96 sachin.

Prem: sachin on strike agian, four short of the 100 and streak on off, plays to point.

Prem: 95 off 58 from sachin thus far. ganguly on strike. not sure if sachin is aware that azhar ahs the fastest odi 100 for india, off 62 balls. gnaguly off drives, one more.

Prem: 19th over coming up and sachin back on stgrike, 6 short of his 21st 100 in odis. streak, and sachin opens the bat face and gets one to backward point.

Prem: 93 off 56 for sachin. strang, and this time sachin plays through square leg and gets one more, now 94 off 57.

Prem: sachin this time flicking to midwicket, finds the fielder. ball five, strang, and the most deliccate of late cuts, played almost out of the gloves of the keeper, gets him two more.

Prem: 18th over in progress and outside off, sachin rocks back, cuts, beats point and four more.

Prem: Sachin on strike, batting 84 off 60, plays strang gently through midwicket, gets two more.

Prem: streak, last ball of the 17th, gannguly again finding midwicket with the flick. no run.

Prem: streak to ganguly, on middle, played to midwicket off his pads, fidns the fielder.

Prem: sachin on strike, streak in for the 4th ball, outside off, cover driven, between point and cover angling the bat to split the gap, brings in the fielder, gets the single, moves to 84 off 50 deliveries, 9 fours and 5 sixes.

Prem: streak to sachin, this one on off seaming to middle and sachin finds the fielder at midwicket.

Prem: 17th over in progress, streak, and sachin pushes back to the bowler, good line on off and middle.

Prem: if sachin gets a man of the match award here, that will be his 31st -- and that will equal viv richards world record of 31 moms.... thing being of course that saachin is not even halfway into his career here. streak to sachin, on middle and leg, sachin goes to off and flicks, playing it very fine, two down to fine leg.

Prem: 113/0 in 16, just the sachin single in that strang over.

Prem: strang and ganguly plays to the leg side, finds midwicket, no run

Prem: strang to ganguly, on off, played defensively, no run.

Prem: ball three, sachin leaning forward and playing to square leg, single.

Prem: strang continues, ball one to sachin is a floater, looping and held back a bit, on a full length, sachin defends. ball two, on ff and played to mid off, no run.

Prem: end of the 15th, with a push to mid off from ganguly that finds the fielder. 36 runs between overs number 10 and 15. At this point, Zimbabwe were 59/3.

Prem: ganguly this time punching off the back foot, finds cover, no run. one ball left in the `5th and india need 85 more off 35 overs after this.

Prem: the timing returning to ganguly, these two have 11 50 run partnerships and 8 100 run partnerships including this one.

Prem: this time, streak overpitches, ganguly flicks over mid on, gets two before that can be chased down. next ball, on driven, the fielder there misses on the dive, actually going over the ball and the stroke beats him and down to the fence for four more.

Prem: 106 gas cine iff 87 balls, sachin has 81 of them off 44 balls.

Prem: streak continuing, the 15th over coming up, ganguly on strike and first ball, off the front foot and back down the track, finds the bowler, no run.

Prem: sachin tendulkar 81, saurav ganguly 18 -- if you need figures to speak of sachin's innings today, this is it, he has completely pulverised the bowling, while his partner has needed to do little more than give him high fives after every hit.

Prem: and that is drinks, giving the zimbabwe bowlers and fielders a moment to regroup. 106/0 in 14 overs. taking a breather here.

Prem: and again, down thet rack, pulling this time, not really getting hold of it properly but going through wityh the shot and over long on, four more. strang, and this time, sachin rocks back and pulls, clears midwicket and gets two more, that is 12 off three balls and campbell looks morose.

Prem: strang, ball three, to sachin. after every shot, campbell trying to readjust his field. thhis one outside leg and turning in, sachin plays it down quietly to short midwicket. ball four, strang, and sachin is down the track, the inside out drive this time, perfectly to the pitch and bye bye ball -- six more, over the long on fence.

Prem: strang again, and sachin sweeps, beats the two fielders put there for that shot, four more. that was on leg and sachin put one foot a long way to off, went down on his knee, waited and bang, four more.

Prem: flighted on leg and sachin gently taps it to midwicekt, no run.

Prem: into the 14th over, it is strang to bowl, around the wicket to sachin tendulkar.

Prem: 65 off 38 to sachin but it is ganguly on strike to streak, off the back foot, square drives, finds the fielder, no run, to end the 13th.

Prem: next ball, streak on line of off and ganguly pushes back down the track.

Prem: streak to gaungly who straight drives, the bowler dives, fields, shies at the stumps on his side to try and run sachin out.

Prem: 107 more needed, at 2.84,. from the 37.4 overs remaining. 90/0 the score, ganguly on strike, streak the bowler and ganguly flicks, finds midwicket, no run.

Prem: into the 13th over here, ganguly on strike, plays to cover and no run.

Prem: outside off, sachin cuts, that one was hit wtih so much power that point, despite getting both hands to it, couldn't stop it, sachin wants two, is three quarters dwon the track and again, ganguly sends him back and again, sachin seems very very irritated.

Prem: 64 off 37 sachin, 7 fours and 44 sixes and a strike rate now of 172.6

Prem: 7.41 the run rate at this point, and johnson is off, streak coming on for the first time, and sachin tendulkar on strike.

Prem: strang t saurav, beats the batsman with lovely variation in flight, ganguly defends.

Prem: sachin again down the track, agiann the bowler drags it dwon, sachin adjusts and plays the single to wide point.

Prem: 2.83 the ask, having brought it down by 2. ball four, sachin down the track, but finds he ccant get to the ptich, plays defensively.

Prem: yorker length ball from strang, sachin pushes to mid on, runs with the shot and gets the single. 88/0 and sahcin on strike to strang.

Prem: ganguly has this huge grin, just managing to evaide that shot as the ball came at him like it was jet propelled. ganguly now on strike and strang the bowler, into the 12th over here and already, india 87/0

Prem: That innings, still far from complete, has all but taken zimbabwe right out of the game. strang continuies and sachin down the pitch, almost cut ganguly's legs out from under him with a murderous hit, finds long off and juust the one.

Prem: johnson to sachin and a magnificient straight drive -- on a day studded with brilliant strokes, that is the best of the lot. on middle, sachin forward, full face of the bat, just the push was all it took, perfect timing, elbow, head, feet all aligned in the right place and that one went like a rocket. single off his pads, last ball of the over.

Prem: 3.03 the ask, 120 runs needed, johson to sachin and bye bye ball -- the slower one, full length on middle, sachin picked that, leaned forward, took his time, let the ball come on and flicked over midwicket, one bounce and four more. goes to 57 off 32.

Prem: slower ball on off and played back down the track by sachin, no run.

Prem: johnson continues. bowling to ganguly who works the second ball of the 11th over off his pads, gets the single and sahcin back on strike.

Prem: 48 runs came between overs 5 and ten, 76/0 in 10 and at this point, zimbabwe were 44/2.

Prem: complete disaster that. last ball, sachin swungg again for the hit behind the bowler's head, that one was pushed through faster, the ball went high in the air, strang ran down to the on side and had the line covered, andy flowr came running around from the stumps, cannoned into the bowler and ended up getting the ball in his glove and out again.

Prem: 53 now to sachin, off just 28 balls with five fours and four sixes.

Prem: strang immediately switcehs to round the wciekt, pitches leg turning to middle, played defensively, sachin now 47 off 27 and ball three, there he goes, down the wicket, this time hit straight back over the bowler's head and six more, that was hit straight as a string and enormous power.

Prem: strang again, to sachin, thhis time he is down the track and powers that over long off -- way back into the stands, and suddenly, the assualt is really on. 10 runs off the first two balls, and sachin's treatment of strang evoking memories of his treatment earlier of Shane Warne.

Prem: sachin on strike to paul strang, and first up, moves a long long way outside leg, strang was following him, but sachin moves further back and thumps him over mid on for four.

Prem: that blitz has brought paul strang into the attack. heath streak is in tthe 11 but strangely, no sight of him at the bowling crease thus far.

Prem: ganguly seems to be gradually getting his timing going again, these last two, three strokes have been fluently played. 60/0 india in 8.5 and johnson for the last time in this over, on off and middle, played to mid on, no run.

Prem: gangulyl on strike and driving, eases that one through the gap between point and cover from line of off and that is two more.

Prem: 36 off 23 balls with 4 fours and two sixes sachin, now on strike to johnson who, thus far, has bowled the best against him. slip in place, this one on off and middle, flick of the wrist sends it behind square, single.

Prem: 3.38 the ask from here on, 141 left to get/ outside off, too much width this time, ganguly square drives, single to backward point. 57/0 and we are into the 9th over here.

Prem: johnson continues, beats ganguly first up with one that seams away outside off. johnson again, this time fuller length on off and ganguly plays defensively

Prem: johnson, bowling a tight line and varying hiis pace, proving more effective than olonga who appears so charged up by the wickets he got yesterday that he is tgrying to bowl faster and faster, irrespective of length and direction and getting carted around like a nets bowler. ganguly, last ball, plays off his hips and gets one to square leg to end the over.

Prem: olonga again, over number 8, full pitch on middle and the flick, through midwicket, again went like a rocket but he had a man out there for it, just the single.

Prem: That was hit with enormous poer, and now he's gone again -- short outside off and sachin gets under it, hits over cover, and four more. the faster olonga bowls, the faster he is disappearing here.

Prem: olonga, and this time, full pitch on off, sachin sets himself, gets right under it and thumps it back over the bowler's head, six more and olonga getting a bit of a lesson here.

Prem: Olkonga to sachin, full length outside off and sachin again going through with the drive on the up, away from his body, over extra cover and finds the fence with little trouble. four more.

Prem: Olonga continues. single to ganguly off the first ball, played off to leg.

Prem: johnson for the lastt time in the 7th, to sachin, the slower ball, full toss on off, hit back hard but straight to mid off, no run.

Prem: one ball left in the 7th, johnson, wide of leg stump and it's called, so thta one will need to be rebowled.

Prem: johnson again to sachin. 5th ball of the 7th over. campbell moving his fielders around, slip, point, ccover,extra cover, mid off on the off, this one is full, outside off, played out to extra cover, no run,

Prem: Dave Houghton seen in the pavilion, working on the crossword, while johnson is in bowling to ganguly, who aims a drive outside off, was looking for the gap through cover, ball flaring off the edge and a single to wide third man.

Prem: johnson to sachin, ball three, on middle and leg and flicked way, for the single behind square.

Prem: wide outside off and thes lower ball this time, sachin spots the changge of pace and lets it go, johnson has a wry smile and sachin smiling right back.

Prem: that brings sachin back on strike, johnson the bowler, the man who, in that one off test, took him out both times. been batting here like he wants to prove some points, slip and short midwicket in place and from close to the stumps, sachin cuts, but finds slip. played that very late aiming for the gap at third man, but failed to beat slip there.

Prem: olonga, and ganguly pushes on the up, finds cover, no run, 35/0 ind Prem: last ball of the 6th, and ganguly will need not to fall into the trap of taking one and keeping strike

Prem: olonga to ganguly, ball five, outside off and driven, finds point, no run.

Prem: 2.3-0-21-0 for Olonga thus far. Hero one day, thrashed like a nets bowler the next, and here he goes wide of off again and ganguly pushes through the gap between point and cover, gets him two.

Prem: olonga, into the 6th over of the innings, ganguly plays square on the up, from line of off, and finds point.

Prem: ball two, on middle and leg, ganguly plays it square on the on and finds the fielder.

Prem: ganguly needs to get off strike and down to the other end, olonga again, outside off and that was a bad -- really bad -- ball, slanted across, very full length, pitching outside off, the ideal halfvolley and ganguly puts it away clinically through extra cover. flowing drive, four more.

Prem: Olonga being continued, ganguly on strike, ball is down leg side, wide called.

Prem: johnson to ganguly, on off and played defensively. one ball left in the 5th, johnson with no runs taken off him thus far, and ganguly predictably gets one on middle, works it through midwicket, gets the single and keeps strike.

Prem: Olonga in the previous two overs seemed rather too charged up for his own good, racing in and slinging it down at his fastest pace and short on length and saschin kept swinging, using the pace of the ball. ganguly meanwhile pushes, finds cover, no run.

Prem: johnson again and ganguly drives, finds cover.

Prem: johnson to ganguly, over number five, slower yorker and played to cover, no run.

Prem: Sachin needs to cool down a bit here I would think, he seemed irritated by the fact that the single was turned down earlier and after that, was throwing his bat at everything in sight. The ask now down to 3.71. Johnson takes over from brandes, ganguly the man on strike and defending to the ball on off and middle.

Prem: olonga to sachin, outside off and that one, again, he gets under it and despite the presence of a fielder at deep backward point on the run, deliberatelyl hits on the up, getting under it and powering it square, over point, for six, the fielder there remains a spectator.

Prem: olonga will need to pitch the ball much more further up or he is liable to get taken. meanwhile, lots of flies there and sachin for now is swatting them, instead of the ball. ball five, short and thumped through mid on, another long chase for mid on and two more. sachin seems to be in the mood to go after the bowler, here, he was into that shot as soon as it was delivered.

Prem: 12 off 10 to sachin and campbell runs over for a word with his bowler. ball four, outside off and again, sahcin goes for it but that one had a bit of extra pace, surprises tendulkar who fails to get a touch.

Prem: olonga to sachin, short and this time, he gets under it and slams it over point, four. he really went for that one the minute he picked the shorter length, that ball rocketed to the fence in a flash.

Prem: Olonga to continue and sachin on strike. bit of a problem with the sightscreen, now settled and olonga outside off, sachin smashes to cover, misfield there but for some reason, ganguly sends sachin back, there was a run there and sachin looks very irritated.

Prem: 3.87 the ask for India, ganguly on strike to brandes, and played defensively, 14/0 in 3 india.

Prem: brandes now to ganguly, a slip and gully in close and ganguly off his toes pushes, finds point, no run. 14/0 in 2.3.

Prem: brandes, ball four, full length on middle and sachin gets under it and flicks through midwicket, long chase for the fielder and an outstanding chase by grant flower pulls it back inside the line at midwicket, but three to the batsman. 14/0.

Prem: there is, beside the slip, a point, cover, extra cover and mid off on the off side, this one drifting to leg, tendulkar tries to help it along, misses and is hit on the pad. no damage, no run.

Prem: Brandes to continue, and it is Tendulkar now on strike. Into the third over here. One slip in place, on off and sachin plays very quietly out to cover on the up, no run. another close fielder at short midwicket, for the mistimed flick off the pads. balll two, fuller on off but again, sachin not launching into that, drives it to extra cover, no run.

Prem: Last ball of the second over, Ganguly on strike, India 11/0 and olonga the bowler, over the wciket, nice and full in length and ganguly plays it out to point, no run, to end the second over with india at 11/0.

Prem: olonga to ganguly agian, on off and the batsman, off his toes, plays down. no run.

Prem: olonga again to ganguly, good ball on middle but too full and ganguly pushes through midiwkcet, gets two for the shot, india 11/0 in 1.4.

Prem: Olonga again to ganguly, over the wicket but that was too wide of off and going further, olonga trying for pace and having his direction go awry. another extra. 9/0 in 1.3 india.

Prem: Olonga again, ball three, to Ganguly. short and lifting on off, played down square on the on side, no run.

Prem: There goes Olonga, at top pace and angling across and Ganguly, driving outside off, beaten for both pace and movement.

Prem: Henry Olonga, the man with four wickets -- including that of both openers -- in the last match now into the attack, ball one is on off, sachin drives, a man out in the deep at long off for the batsman, keeps the shot dwon to a single.

Prem: abhay:: thanks much for the post -- our interface works just fine, it is some of the people using it who don't seem to understand basic decorum. Anyways. Last ball ofthe first over, on line of off and played defensively by Ganguly, India 6/0 at the end of the first over chasing 197 to win.

Prem: Sorry, guys, got delayed a bit, picking up play in ball number four


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