Why This Lawyer Made The CJI Proud

'The most powerful lesson I have learned is to observe discipline, always show up and work hard enough if you have the will to win.' Read on

'We'll damage NDA in all 40 seats in Bihar'

'Wrong feedback was given against Parasji to the top BJP leadership in New Delhi by a senior BJP leader.' Read on

'There's concrete proof of corporate-political nexus'

'Isn't it obvious? Do you have a doubt? There is so much data that shows that there is quid pro quo.' Read on

'We've not quit BJP...'

'Since the last ten days our own people were spreading canards and propaganada against me and my family.' Read on

Wonderful 2011 WC Reunion!

Mahendra Singh Dhoni caught up with Gary Kirsten -- the captain-coach combo who masterminded India's famous triumph in 2011. Read on

'It was pagalpan!'

'I was mad, I was crazy to do something like that. I shouldn't have done it. I would never do it again.' Read on

The Man We Love To Hate In Yodha

'Everybody has their bit of struggles and learnings. It will only end when you stop breathing.' Read on

Bollywood's Most Successful Horror Movies

Joginder Tuteja looks at how successful the genre has been in recent times. Read on

Are These Ileana's Favourite Styles?

Her fashion choices are sweet, sexy and slightly unfiltered. Read on

Sunshine Beauty Swayamsiddha

She'd like to believe that she is 'clever as the devil and twice as pretty'. Read on

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