Chandrayaan Exclusive! 'This is text book precision!'

'You declare a date, time and place for the landing two months in advance and exactly at that moment, it touched on the moon.' Read on

When Bollywood sang to the Moon

The Best Hindi Film Songs Dedicated to Chanda Mama. Read on

'ISRO scientists are not bothered about money but...'

Scientists at the space agency get a salary one-fifth of the scientists in the developed world. Read on

Why Veerappan's story needed to be told

'He killed so many people, doing the kind of horrible things he did, and yet, he believed he was making the right choices.' Read on

'It is a trauma that we all have lived'

'While we lived in fear of being found, others took the hate head on.' Read on

This is not allowed in Indian cinema

The names of real life politicians can't be used in Indian movies, no matter what the relevance. Read on

Five life lessons from Ghoomer

Cricket is more than a game in Ghoomer; it becomes a metaphor for Life, asserts Mayur Sanap. Read on

Recipe: Delicious Creamy Pumpkin Soup

The lowly kadu is promoted to an awesome pumpkin soup. Read on

Beautiful as always, Parul Gulati!

Almost all of Parul Gulati's outfits have a soft, flirty edge. Read on

Fun, fun Bollywood Quiz!

Sukanya Verma quizzes you to find out just how much you know about the movies. Read on

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