Maharashtra: Rebel MLA on what could happen next

'We have not decided yet if we will be joining hands with the BJP and, if so, what kind of ministries will be distributed among the rebel MLAs.' Read on

'Why is Eknath Shinde not in Mumbai staking claim?'

'The BJP has 106 MLAs and Eknath Shinde claims the support of 40 MLAs. So why the delay?' Read on

'80% Sena MLAs with Eknath Shinde'

'We will definitely try to speak to him about his open rebellion against the party,' says Shiv Sena Minister Gulabrao Patil. Read on

The Many Firsts Of Droupadi Murmu

When elected on July 18 -- which is almost a certainty -- Droupadi Murmu will be the first President born after Independence. Read on

'Kalam wasn't there to earn money, position or power'

'He always used to say, 'I have taken up this post to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and I will do it during the time I am here'.' Read on

Rocketry's SRK Surprise

'That he wanted to be part of this project and that too at a time when he was not signing any new films is a great honour for us.' Read on

Which Of These Asanas Have You Tried Doing?

International Yoga Day may be over but yoga remains an important part of Bollywood's daily life. Read on

When Shehnaaz Looked Wow!

With such flawless skin, who needs make-up? Read on

Why You Need To Invest

Saving for your future, older self is one of the main reasons. Read on

Swarupa's Desi Papaya and Mango Salad

It is refreshing, fresh and incredibly tasty. Read on

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