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Sunita's gyan to kids: Listen to your mother, shun drugs

Last updated on: April 4, 2013 20:15 IST

American astronaut of Indian origin, Sunita Williams on Thursday charmed the students of Mumbai, who had gathered at the Nehru Science Centre to listen to her experiences in space travel.

Even as students were jostling for space to get a view of their 'space icon', Sunita Williams appealed to Indian children to take more interest in space exploration.

"I am really looking forward to India's participation in the space programme in a big way," she said. The NASA astronaut said, "space programme entails a lot of creativity and requires great imagination. Follow your dreams to realise your creative potential."

Speaking about the International Space Station, Williams said "it is a collaborative venture, where different countries are actively participating. It has brought the world together."

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Sunita's gyan to kids: Listen to your mother, shun drugs

Last updated on: April 4, 2013 20:15 IST

During her interactive lecture, she made a video presentation on her latest -- Expedition 33, which was launched from Biakonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on July 15, 2012.

The video, which began with narrating the preparatory drill for a space travel, also showed the working environment inside the space station, nature of experiments conducted, performance of space walk, etc.

Later, Williams, who was greeted by a municipal school student from Byculla, was asked who were her role models.

"My parents are on the top of the list of my role models," she said, adding, "I also know a lot about Mahatma Gandhi and also heard about Mother Teresa".

Williams appeared enthusiastic about the "space tourism" concept, saying it would provide more people the chance to experience the thrills of space.

She also advised students to shun drugs and alcohol.