Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal on Saturday requested Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to intervene personally at the highest level of the United States administration to ensure that United States President Barack Obama visits the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
"If need be, you may please consider speaking to the President himself," Badal said in his letter to the prime minister.
Speak to Obama about visit to Golden Temple, PM told
Image: Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh BadalThere appears to be some communication gap between the Indian and the US security agencies on the issue, Badal said. Obama is expected to visit India in November and as per reports, a brief visit to the Sikh shrine was on his itinerary.
"The US administration may be reminded that international dignitaries, including the Queen of England, have paid their obeisance at the Golden Temple without any security hassles," Badal said.
Speak to Obama about visit to Golden Temple, PM told
The chief minister said Sikhs across the world would be disappointed if President Obama did not visit the Golden Temple. On the issue of observance of religious decorum, Badal said the US President would be well aware of the sensitivities involved.
"All across the world, when dignitaries visit religious shrines, they are always briefed about the observance of maryada of the concerned religion and they always respect the sentiments of the followers of that religion. But if there is any misunderstanding on this issue, it can be resolved at the diplomatic level," he added.