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VOTE! Rate the UPA government's performance in 2010

Last updated on: December 29, 2010 10:48 IST
Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance
2010 has not been kind to the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government, which faced choppy weather on most fronts.

Bombarded by allegations of massive scams, it seemed to spend most of its time this year defending its ministers and justifying the spiralling prices, notably food items.

At least that's what we think, but what do YOU think?

How would you rate the UPA this year?

Did Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government live up to its promises and expectations?

Or did it fail to deliver on tackling issues like inflation and corruption?

VOTE for and against the UPA government in this poll.

Please click on your chosen option on each slide to give a thumbs up or thumbs down for the UPA government.

VOTE! What do you think of the corruption charges?

Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance

VOTE! How has the government tackled inflation?

Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance

VOTE! Do you feel safer?

Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance

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Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance

VOTE! Has Rahul Gandhi earned his spurs yet?

Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance

VOTE! Superpower, are we?

Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance

VOTE! Colour-coded terror?

Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance

VOTE! UPA again?

Image: VOTE! Rate the UPA govt's performance