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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST
A resident walks past fuel tankers which were set ablaze in Pindi Gheb, some 122 km (76 miles) east of Pakistani capital Islamabad. Gunmen attacked and set fire to eight trucks transporting supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan in Pakistan's eastern Punjab province

The November 26 drone strike on Pakistan's border with Afghanistan has complicated United States attempts to ease the crisis in relations with Islamabad and stabilise the region before foreign combat troops leave Afghanistan.

Pakistan is angry at Kabul because the NATO aircraft that carried out the strikes on two army border posts before dawn Saturday were based in Afghanistan. A video released by the army Wednesday showed the mountainous terrain in Pakistan's Mohmand tribal area where the attacks occurred.


Pakistan has blocked vital supply routes for US-led troops in Afghanistan and demanded Washington vacate a base used by American drones. Pakistan also ordered CIA employees to mothball their drone operation at Pakistan's Shamsi air base within two weeks brings to you scenes from the principal faultline.

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

US Army soldiers from Alpha Company 2nd battalion 27th infantry (the Wolfhounds), Task Force NO FEAR rest after their overnight duty at Observation Post Mace in eastern Afghanistan Kunar province near the border with Pakistan

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

A US Army F-15 fighter jet fires flares after bombing Taliban insurgent positions in eastern Afghanistan Naray district, Kunar province near the border of Pakistan

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

Pakistani paramilitary soldiers patrol during an operation near Bara, a town in the Khyber tribal region near the Afghan border

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

Pakistani soldiers take part in a patrol in Tora Warai, a town in Kurram Agency, during a military trip organised for media along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

Tribesmen check the torn clothes of a fellow tribesman who was killed in an air strike by US forces in Pina Sooka area of Mohamand agency at the Pakistan-Afghan border

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

An Afghan National Army soldier carries his rifle at Observing Post Mace in eastern Afghanistan Kunar province, near the border of Pakistan

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

US Army soldiers from Alpha Company 2nd battalion 27th infantry (The Wolfhounds), Task Force No Fear climb upon arrival to Observation Post Mace from Forward Operating Base Bostick in eastern Afghanistan Naray district, Kunar province near border of Pakistan

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

A soldier briefs the media as he walk through a cave, which the Pakistan Army said was built and used by the Pakistan Taliban, in Sadda a town in Kurram Agency located in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Afghanistan border

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

A teenage boy uses a wheelbarrow to push an elderly Pashtun man past a supply truck after traffic was halted at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border crossing in Chaman

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

Members of the local Lashka (tribal militia-men), hold their weapons while dancing in a show-of-force in Khar, the main town in Bajaur Agency, located in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Afghanistan border

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In PHOTOS: The Pakistan-Afghanistan faultline

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 13:38 IST

A driver is silhouetted as he climbs up on a tanker, carrying fuel for NATO forces, parked along a road in Karachi

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