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49 killed in Argentina train crash

Last updated on: February 23, 2012 14:13 IST
Trapped passengers from a commuter train that crashed into the Once train station at rush hour are seen in a coach in Buenos Aires

Forty nine people were killed and over 600 injured in a train crash in Argentina. The train hit the end of the platform at Once Station in Buenos Aires during the morning rush hour.

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49 killed in Argentina train crash

Last updated on: February 23, 2012 14:13 IST
Commuters react inside the Once train station after a train crashed when its brakes failed at rush hour in Buenos Aires

Dozens of people were trapped for hours in the wreckage, but were successfully evacuated.  Argentina's Transportation Secretary JP Schiavi said that the mishap might have been caused by brake failure.

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49 killed in Argentina train crash

Last updated on: February 23, 2012 14:13 IST
Trapped passengers from a commuter train that crashed into the Once train station at rush hour are seen in a coach in Buenos Aires

"The train had hit the barrier at about 12mph (20km/h), destroying the front of the engine and crunching the carriages behind it. One of the carriages was driven nearly 6m (20ft) into the next," the BBC quoted Schiavi as saying.

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49 killed in Argentina train crash

Last updated on: February 23, 2012 14:13 IST
A commuter train that crashed into the Once train station at rush hour when its brakes failed, is seen in Buenos Aires

The Argentina government has declared two days of mourning and called off planned carnival festivities in the country.  Emergency medical system director Alberto Crescenti said some passengers who survived had to have their limbs amputated.

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49 killed in Argentina train crash

Last updated on: February 23, 2012 14:13 IST
Rescue workers carry a wounded passenger from the commuter train

Many suffered from arrested breathing and trauma.

Wednesday's accident is said to be Argentina's worst train crash since February 1970, when a train smashed into another at full speed in suburban Buenos Aires, killing 200 people.

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Last updated on: February 23, 2012 14:13 IST

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