"Bail is granted to both the accused," Additional Sessions Judge Raj Rani Mitra said allowing the plea of Zee news editor Sudhir Chaudhary and Zee business editor Samir Ahluwalia who were arrested by the Delhi police on November 27.
The court said both of them will be released on furnishing a bail bond and surety of Rs 50,000 each. They were directed to surrender their passports and not leave the
The court on Saturday had reserved its order on the bail plea of the two editors after hearing them for around five hours during which the Delhi Police had opposed their application for grant of relief.
Both Chaudhary and Ahluwalia, who were lodged in Tihar jail, have been booked under section 384 (extortion), 120 B (criminal conspiracy) and 511 (punishment for attempting to commit offences punishable with imprisonment for life or other imprisonment) of the Indian Penal Code.