With certain political parties launching 'yatras' ahead of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, Team Anna member Kiran Bedi has said such yatras have no meaning without the passage of the Jan Lokpal Bill.
"Yatras being taken out by political parties in UP are an opportunity for them to express their seriousness towards Jan Lokpal Bill. It's a good opportunity for people demanding the bill to test intention of the political parties and seek a reply," Bedi told PTI over the phone.
If political parties want to really prove their commitment, they should call a special session of Parliament and get the bill passed, she said.
"Credit will go to all political parties. Without passage of the bill there will be no meaning of yatras," she said.
With elections nearing, certain parties have either launched or are in process of taking out yatras in the state.
The main opposition party Samajwadi Party has already launched Kranti Rath Yatra while the BJP has planned Jan Swabhiman Yatra from October 13. Ajit Singh-led RLD is already taking out Suraj Yatra in all districts of the state, whereas Congress is concentrating on Dalit conventions.
Bedi said through these yatras people can easily gauge the stand of political parties towards the bill and evaluate which party has honoured their feelings and which did not.
"Now taking people into confidence by taking out political yatras is not easy. People are aware and they want to know what concrete measures political parties are taking to root out corruption," she said.
She said that only yatras would not serve the purpose.
"Political parties should call a special session of Parliament this month itself and give a Diwali gift to the people in form of Jan Lokpal bill," she said.