The Lok Sabha recorded productivity of 116 per cent in the winter session while for Rajya Sabha it was about 100 per cent, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said on Friday, the last day of the session.
During the winter session, 18 bills were introduced in the Lok Sabha.
14 bills were passed by the Lower House while 15 bills were passed by Rajya Sabha.
Overall, 15 bills were passed by both Houses of Parliament, Joshi said while addressing a press conference after both Houses were adjourned sine die.
Deploring the Congress for interrupting LS Speaker Om Birla while he was making concluding remarks on the last day of the session, Joshi said this is perhaps the first time that the Speaker was interrupted during his concluding speech.
The minister also informed that four bills -- Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 1987, National Commission for Human Resources for Health Bill, Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2013 and International Financial Services Centres Authority Bill, 2019 -- were withdrawn during the session.
Joshi also attacked Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his remarks that 'Make in India' has become 'Rape in India' and said that he should apologise.