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Kids write letters to Trump to be a 'nice president'

November 17, 2016 22:42 IST

Those struggling to know what to do in the wake of Donald Trump’s election win would do well to follow the lead of these children.

In a campaign, which has since gone viral, children under the age of 18 are being invited to write to the United States President-elect “about the importance of being kind to other people, even if they’re different than you are,” according to a description on the group’s Facebook page.

It is the brainchild of Seattle mum Molly Spence Sahebjami, who started a Facebook group called “Dear President Trump: Letters from Kids about Kindness.”

The group now has over 9,000 members.

Speaking to Washington Post, Sahebjami said that the idea came to her because her son, who is in kindergarten, said he was worried about what Trump had said about Muslims because he has relatives of Iranian descent.

“So I said to him, ‘Well maybe we should write a letter to him and we can show him’,” Sahebjami said. “Why don’t you talk to him about why it’s important to be kind?”

Her son’s letter, which he dictated to Sahebjami, read: “Dear President-elect Trump, please be a good president. Be kind to all people. Some people in my family are a special religion and they are not bad guys.”

The hashtag #kidsletterstotrump has already started trending.

Among the letters, Trump’s policy of building a wall between the US and Mexico scared many children.

“Dear Mr Trump, Kids in my class are very scared. Please don’t kick them out. In my school we get sent to the wall when we’re in trouble. My friends did not do anything wrong. Don’t send them to the wall. Love, Abby age 6.”

Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images