On Sunday on FOX News, Bush senior (Prez 41) and Bush junior (Prez 43) gave their first ever joint interview.
And, as it turns out, George Bush Jr hasn't been turning to his 84-year-old father for policy advice all these years, despite the elder's acknowledged expertise in security issues and foreign policy.
"See, the interesting thing is that a president has got plenty of advisors, but what a president never has is someone who gave him unconditional love. And therefore when I talked to my dad, I was more interested in the father-son relationship," explained Bush the President. "You got a lot of people who can give you advice, but your rarely have people who can pick up the phone and say, 'I love you, son,' or, 'Hang in there, son'."
For his part, Bush Sr said that throughout the eight years George W has been president, he's been "determined to stay out of the way" because he didn't want his son to be besieged by doubts like, "What's the old guy think?"
Asked how he regarded his son's presidency, which has resulted in record low approval ratings after unpopular overseas excursions overseas and a sluggish economy at home, would be remembered George HW Bush didn't hesitate. "Very positively I mean, he's been tested unlike any other president with 9/11. And he passed those tests."
George W said of his dad's 1989-1993 presidency: "He's going to be judged great too. He was almost too humble to be president. And when history finally gets objective, they will be able to say a lot of positive things about George Bush."
Then, Bush Jr, discussing how he felt leaving office after eight years in the White House (he'll leave officially on January 20), said, "I'm going to be fairly footloose for a while I imagine I'll spend a fair amount of time in Dallas working on the policy centre that will be associated with a library on the (Southern Methodist University) campus, and I'm excited about that, because I do want to continue to promote not a political party, not my personality or my record, but a set of values that I think are very important for the country. And, you know, I plan on writing a book."
Asked for their takes on US President Elect Barack Obama, Bush Jr was quick to respond "I've been impressed He (has) showed decisiveness. He has picked people that are capable and competent people. And I think he's had a very good transition. So I've been very pleased with what I've seen since the election."
Bush Sr too was highly complimentary of the incoming president. "The man is obviously a charismatic person, and the man is able to persuade people that they should trust him. He's got a lot going for him."
Though it was a sombre conversation, there were some lighter moments, particularly when the talk turned to George HW Bush's penchant for sky-diving.
"You don't want to sit around just because you're an old guy, drooling in the corner," explained the former president.
"You're going to have trouble convincing Mother of that," laughed President Bush. "I think he's a nut to jump out of an airplane at age 70, 75, 80, and 85 Actually, I think it's cool."
Photograph: George Bush Sr and his son, President George Bush, with FOX News's Brit Hume. Image courtesy: FOX News