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UPA playing double game on SC/ST quota Bill: Maya

September 06, 2012 16:15 IST

As the fracas over the coal-gate continued for the 12th day in Parliament, Bahujan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati on Thursday alleged that the United Progressive Alliance government was playing a double game on the SC/ST quota Bill, and urged it to get the House in order first.

Mayawati said the bill seeking to provide reservation to SCs and STs in promotion in government jobs could not be passed in Parliament on Thursday because of the uproar.

"In this condition, our party wants to say to the Congress-led Central Government that if it wants the bill to be passed, it should first all take strong steps to ensure that the house runs properly," said Mayawati.

"And for this to take place, the central government should find a middle way on coal controversy and stop the chaos created by the BJP and its allies in Parliament. The scam surrounding the coal blocks allocation is equally important. The government should also find a way out to tackle all those creating disturbance in the house over the quota bill," she added.

The BSP chief urged the UPA government to clear suspicion in the minds of various political outfits with regard to the quota bill, and also demanded the extension of the ongoing Monsoon session of Parliament.

"But it is extremely unfortunate that the central government has till now not paid proper attention on these issues. This now proves that the central government is playing a double game in the House by bringing this bill amid uproar. And if the government rejects all my allegations, then it should extend the ongoing Monsoon session of Parliament by 10 to 12 days," said Mayawati.

"The government should abide by whatever suggestions our party has given with regard to this particular bill or else the Dalit society will never forgive the dual character of this government," she added.

When asked that she was taking on the ruling Congress Party and not commenting the opposition' role in Parliament, Mayawati said the Bharatiya Janata Party has made its stand clear that they don't want to divert attention from coal-gate.

"When the Cabinet approved this bill, I had met senior BJP leaders that day. I also appealed to them through the media to help in the passage of this bill. But the report that I have received is that they are of the opinion that they have moved quite ahead in this regard and do not want to divert attention from coal-gate," said Mayawati.

"The government should now find a middle path over the coal-gate after holding discussions with BJP and its allies," she added.

With the BJP-led opposition sticking to its demand for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's resignation over the coal blocks allocation issue, the government, though determined, is finding it difficult to push through the bill providing reservation in promotions for SC/ST government employees in the Rajya Sabha.

Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha were adjourned till Friday following after the BJP-led opposition triggered ruckus on the coal blocks allocation issue.

The Monsoon Session of Parliament ends on September 7.

Source: ANI