Taking serious note of violence during Sunday's first round of polling in the four-phased Panchayat elections across Uttar Pradesh , the government made it loud and clear, "no one howsoever powerful, will not be allowed to play with the rule of law and anyone found violating the sanctity of polling booths through acts of violence would be liable to be shot there and then."
"This step was necessitated in view of the escalated violence seen during the first phase of polling on Sunday , when certain groups not only indulged clashes, exchange of firing , arson and even killing and even stormed into polling booths and assaulted poll officials", said Additional Director General of Police, Brij Lal.
He said, "Security too has been enhanced in each of the 68 districts
According to Brij Lal, "A huge security force of nearly 2,80,000 personnel including 140 companies of the Provincial Armed Constabulary , the civil police, home guards and others was deployed to assist the poll machinery in order to ensure free and fair grassroot-level elections."
With a view to maintaining instant communication with the cops on duty even in the remotest corner of the state , the government has also equipped at least 3800 cops with mobile phones .
And with a view to sending the message loud and clear to all and sundry that the administration meant business , both district magistrates and superintendents of police have been to to maintain a strict vigil , failing which they would be held directly responsible for and poll violence under their jurisdiction.