October 15 marks two months since the Taliban captured Kabul and thereafter all of Afghanistan.
How has life changed for the Talib in these weeks?
From fighting a relentless war against who they were brainwashed to consider as 'infidels', the Talibs are now discovering the pleasures of modern life. From visiting the amusement park in Kabul to lazily patrolling the Afghan capital's streets.
Please click on the images for a better look at days in the lives of Talibs in Afghanistan.

IMAGE: Mostashhed, a Talib from Wardak province, visits Kabul for the first time in is life as hundreds of Talibs visit the amusement park in the capital's Qargha reservoir. All Photographs: Jorge Silva/Reuters

IMAGE: Talibs pray in Kabul.

IMAGE: Talibs survey the streets of Kabul, a city where Taliban terrorists once spread terror.

IMAGE: A Talib counsels Afghans gathered outside the passport office after Taliban officials announced they will start issuing passports to its citizens again.

IMAGE: Men sell Taliban -- or the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan -- flags outside the former US embassy in Kabul.

IMAGE: Talibs at the amusement park.

IMAGE: After a lifetime of mayhem and murder, Talibs finally encounter fun at the amusement park.

IMAGE: Yes, Talibs can laugh too.

IMAGE: Talibs look out for lurking danger, from their hated rivals, Islamic State terrorists.

IMAGE: Talib too can take a day off.

IMAGE: Talibs admire the sunset.

IMAGE: A group of women wearing burqas crosses the street as Talibs drive past in Kabul.
Photographs curated by Manisha Kotian/Rediff.com
Feature Presentation: Aslam Hunani/Rediff.com