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Blasts rock Afghan capital on independence day

Last updated on: August 19, 2011 08:45 IST

Three explosions reportedly hit the centre of Afghanistan's capital Kabul on Friday.

The explosions, carried out by Taliban suicide bombers, occurred in the Karte Parwan area of the city, near the Intercontinental Hotel and the residence of First Vice President Mohammad Qasim Fahim.

The explosions struck at the British Council offices and witnesses reported that heavy gunfire was ongoing inside the compound.

Earlier it had been reported that the explosions happened at or near the Indian Cultural Centre. However, a Ministry of External Affairs official in New Delhi told that its building had not been targeted.

Two explosions were reported within about 10 minutes of each other around 5:45 am (local time).

Military helicopters buzzed over the area as police cordoned off the scene.

The British Council is an official organisation part-funded by London that promotes cultural relations in offices around the world.

Friday is a national holiday in Afghanistan, marking the country's independence from Great Britain in 1919.

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