Lok Sabha Television channel, claimed to be the first in the world to be run by the Legislature, will start its experimental run from May 11, a day after the commencement of the second phase of the Budget session.
It is an anchor-based new look channel, which has taken shape in view of Speaker Somnath Chatterjee's keenness to extend the visitor's galleries of Parliament to every household in the country and bring Parliament closer to the people, Parliament sources said.
Chatterjee had earlier opened up "zero hour" proceedings for live telecast and put the entire House proceedings live on the satellite channel of Doordarshan.
The channel will close down temporarily after the conclusion of the Budget session.
This experimental run of the Lok Sabha channel for a limited period is like a full dress rehearsal for the mega launch of two full-fledged, non-stop, 24 hour, exclusive channels, one each for the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, under the all new Sansad Television Network on the first day of the monsoon session in July 2006.