The review suggests that tea can also improve your mood, strengthen bones, boost hydration and increase alertness, reports the Daily Express.
For her study, Carrie Ruxton, a dietician and member of the independent Tea Advisory Panel, reviewed existing scientific literature on black tea, the type found in most teabags in Britain.
Clinical studies reveal that natural plant antioxidants found in tea, called polyphenols, have beneficial effects on many biochemical processes in the body. The advantageous properties include
Ruxton said, "The clearest consistent evidence points to an association between tea consumption, in excess of three cups per day, and a reduced risk of myocardial infarction or a heart attack."
"This is good news for the many avid tea drinkers in Britain. My study also found emerging evidence that older women - those most at risk of brittle bones - had significant increases in bone density if they drank more than four cups of tea a day," Ruxton said.
"It is clear that tea is worthy of further research and, in the meantime, can be enjoyed within the optimal intake range of three to eight cups per day," Ruxton added.