"We are pleased with the results of these hard-fought elections," Rajwant Singh, chairman of the Sikh Council on Religion and Education, said.
This is "especially great" for the Sikhs because Obama has demonstrated in the last four years that he has deep respect for the Sikh faith, he said.
Obama has a strong commitment to protect the civil rights of the Sikhs in the US and has gone an extra mile to stand by the community in the aftermath of the Wisconsin gurdwara shooting that killed six worshippers in August, Singh said.
The president had also lowered the US flags, an unprecedented step, to convey the message of solidarity and sympathy of the entire nation for the Wisconsin Sikh victims, he said.
Obama was the first US president to host the celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev's birth anniversary at the White House, Singh noted. "We are hopeful that the president will guide this nation to financial solvency and will tackle the critical issues of immigration reform and climate change," he said.
Darshan Singh Sehbi, a Sikh physician from the battleground state of Ohio, said that for ages to come, Obama, through his achievements, will remain a beacon of hope and inspiration for people around the world, showing them the path of honesty, openness and perseverance.
Dawinder 'Dave' S Sidhu, an assistant professor of law at the University of New Mexico School of Law, said the Sikh community received an outpouring of support in the aftermath of the shooting at the Wisconsin gurdwara.
"President Obama, the First Lady (Michelle) and Attorney General Eric Holder, in particular, should be commended for their efforts in helping the community recover from this terrible tragedy," he said.
Valarie Kaur, Sikh-American activist and director of Groundswell at Auburn Seminary, said the re-election of President Obama fills her with hope in a time of great challenge.
"We have just endured the most expensive and divisive campaign in recent US history. But today, we have the opportunity to reach out with compassion to those whose vote differs from ours, renew our commitment to repair our nation together, hold our elected officials accountable, and equip a rising generation, including Sikh Americans, to lead in the next four years," she said.