New Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit is hurt, and she expressed it eloquently on Friday at a function organised by Indian Women's Press Corps.
A sober, but determined leader, in her interaction with Delhi-based women scribes, insisted that her relation with Congress chief Sonia Gandhi hasn't changed.
When asked if she agrees with the perception that she is not close to Sonia anymore, she said, "That is not true. Perception may have changed but realities have not."
Talking about her walkout during a recent party meet, she said, "I don't regret it. I am a sensitive person and it was a wise thing to do."
She added that she would do the same again if the party leaders behaved in the same manner.
When asked about the controversial TV interview -- wherein she said that she was hurt by the organised protest against her -- Dixit said, "I didn't hurt anybody. I didn't accuse anybody. I said it what I felt."
Dixit, who is a highly popular leader in Delhi even outside her party's constituencies, has been targeted by Congress leaders. Many believe that this is a typical Congress culture where growth of a personality is not allowed beyond a certain point.
Dixit refused to comment on it.
Recently party leaders held a meeting to protest against Dixit's style of functioning and send a list of complaints to Sonia.
When asked if she was on her way out of the CM's post, she said, "I can't answer that."
Also read:
Sheila Dixit to stay as Delhi CM