The police has stepped up vigil across Bengaluru after copies of letters threatening a terror attack were found at vital installations, including the Indian Space Research Organisation facility and the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.
"We have stepped up vigil and conducted checks at vital facilities including ISRO," Bangalore Additional Police Commissioner (Law and Order) Kamal Pant told PTI.
Pant said there has been no Intelligence from either state or central agencies on the possible terror attack, which has been mentioned in the letters.
The letters written in Urdu and English speaks of bloodshed to be carried out at ISRO, National Aeronautics Limited, HAL and other private and public facilities, Pant said.
State Home Minister K J George said, "We have taken note of this. It is a very serious issue and we will get to the root of the letters."
Image: The ISRO complex in Bengaluru. Courtesy