Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will inaugurate the 93rd Indian Science Congress on January 3. The prime minister will also inaugurate Bharat Nirmaan Science Exhibition and address scientists, Andhra Pradesh Agriculture Minister Raghuveera Reddy, and 93rd Indian Science Congress President I V Subba Rao, told reporters on Thursday.
On January 5, President A P J Abdul Kalam will inaugurate the focal theme `Integrated Rural Development Science and Technology' and `National Virtual Congress of Farmers' and launch `Mission 2007 -- every village a knowledge centre'. "For the first time in the history of Indian Science Congress the President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam will inaugurate the National Virtual Science Congress in which he will talk to the farmers of five states using an Indian Space Research Organisation satellite," they said.
The government has a vision for 2007 to make every village a knowledge centre. Thus the conference will discuss rural energy, communicable diseases, water security, rural education youth and woman empowerment and other related issues, they said.
Reddy said that this is for the first time that the Congress is being organised by an agricultural university the Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University. He said 80 scientists from 27 countries including three Nobel Laureates and more than 6,000 delegates from various parts of the country will participate.