The Election Commission has directed returning officers and chief electoral officers of Uttarakhand and Jharkhand not to start counting and announce results of the Rajya Sabha elections before its clearance. In a letter sent to the election officials in the two states, the poll panel has directed them that counting of votes "shall not be taken up" until they receive a specific written clearance from the commission.
The two states have been provided with a set of proformas to be filled up before seeking a go ahead from the poll body for counting of votes and announcing the results. The Commission has also asked poll officials in the two states not to announce the results on Friday "without specific clearance" of the poll panel. The EC said it would grant clearance to announce results after scrutinising the reports sent by the poll officials regarding "defect free" completion of counting and "disposal" of all objections in writing.
The proforma sent by the EC to officials in Uttarakhand and Jharkhand relate to interruption, violence and booth capturing during polling and complaints, irregularities and requests for recounting by candidates during counting of votes.