Over 85,000 road fatalities are reported in Indian every year, making it the most dangerous nation to drive in, according to statistics released by the Loss Prevention Association of India.
Most of those killed are in the 15-44 age group, according to the statistics.
Nearly 1,30,000 are crippled for life, according to LPA, which will observe the 20th National Safety Week from January 5.
According to LPA, a two-wheeler rider is five times more prone to accident as compared to a person in a four-wheeler.
There are nearly 3,39,13,000 two wheelers registered in India, which account for nearly 70 per cent of the total motor vehicles registered in the country.
Most of the fatalities in two wheeler accidents result from the pillion rider being thrown off the vehicle, resulting in grievous head injuries, the statistics say.
Despite the Central Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, which makes use of helmet mandatory, many riders ignore the rule. The failure of state governments to enforce the law has also resulted in more persons being killed or reaching hospitals.