A day after Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Ajit Singh was detained for trying to enter Uttar Pradesh, his son Jayant Chaudhary managed to give police a slip and bypassed the tight security arrangements at the state border in Meerut.
Chaudhary, an MP from Mathura, said he has reached Meerut where he would meet the victims of Muzaffarnagar violence and then visit Baghpat, his father's constituency.
The Rastriya Lok Dal MP said that he was going to Meerut and Baghpat with a message of peace and would review the situation there in the wake of the Muzaffarnagar clashes.
Chaudhary, who is travelling in a private car, has reached Behram village of Meerut and would meet people of three villages there.
Chaudhary's father Ajit Singh was detained in Loni area by the Ghaziabad police while he on his way to Bagphat.
Criticising Mulayam Singh Yadav over the handling of the situation in riot-hit Muzaffarnagar, Singh had on Thursday said that the Samajwadi Party chief had become the 'Narendra Modi'of Uttar Pradesh.
Image: Soldiers stand guard on a deserted street during a curfew in Muzaffarnagar
Photograph: Reuters