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Rajghat Under Water!

July 20, 2023 12:15 IST

Rajghat, the Mahatma Gandhi memorial in New Delhi, is waterlogged, a consequence of the rising water levels of the Yamuna river.


IMAGE: A drone visual of Rajghat, which remains waterlogged although the water level of the Yamuna was recorded at 205.25 metres (below the danger mark).


IMAGE: Workers try to clear the water from Rajghat. All photographs: ANI Photo


IMAGE: Water pipelines set up to reduce water from Rajghat.


IMAGE: A dewatering machine set up at Rajghat.


IMAGE: Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena inspects the waterlogging situation in the Sanjay Van area.


Photographs curated by Manisha Kotian/
Feature Presentation: Ashish Narsale/